Banco do Brasil Foundation makes its Activities Report available annually as a means of access and accountability to its stakeholders, reaffirming its commitment to ethics and transparency, in addition to the respect for everyone who directly or indirectly participates in its actions.

This Report is defined based on its relevance and refers to activities in the period from January 1st to December 31th, 2022. The document was submitted for analysis and verification by the Fiscal Council and approved by the Trustee Council.  The accounting information were verified by Deloitte Brasil and follow the standards and norms in force by the regulatory agencies.

Since 2015, the publication of the Activities Report follows the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). As in the previous versions, the Report was prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards, the “Essential” option. The indicators and their management methods are indicated throughout the text and in the GRI table of contents. This document integrates the rendering of accounts and presents the main achievements of BB Foundation related to socioenvironmental investment, strategy and internal management.

The 2022 Activities Report also makes it possible to learn about people and projects impacted by Banco do Brasil Foundation and which made the results shown herein tangible.

Comments, questions, suggestions or criticisms about this Report must be sent to or

GRI 2-29 | 3-1 | 3-2 | 3-3

Defined in the preparation of the 2019-2023 Five-Year Strategic Plan, the Materiality Matrix presents the prioritization of material themes, as well as the definition of its aspects and limits, referenced by the stakeholders of BB Foundation.

In 2022, the Materiality Matrix was revisited and its construction took place through a process of dialog with our internal and external audiences, through a virtual survey carried out in January 2023. The convergence of topics considered of high relevance by stakeholders with those of high impact on BB Foundation, declared in the PEQ 2019-2023, resulted in seven material topics, out of the 18 topics that were mapped, as listed in descending order of priority:

  • Social Technology

  • Socioenvironmental responsibility in programs and projects

  • Generation of work and income

  • Effectiveness in programs and projects

  • Articulation of Social Investment

  • Ethics and integrity

  • Relationship with partners

Some topics addressed in the research and construction of the Materiality Matrix, despite not being identified as material topics, are mentioned throughout the Report, as BB Foundation considers them to be highly relevant for its actions and projects: Strategic Management, People Management, Anti-Corruption, Diversity, among others.

Materiality Matrix

Tarciana Paula Gomes Medeiros

Presidenta do Banco do Brasil e Presidenta
do Conselho Curador da Fundação BB

Elisângela Moroz Zilli

Presidenta da
Fundação BB

About the Activities Report

GRI 2-2 | 2-3 | 2-14 | 2-29 | 3-1 | 3-2 | 3-3

The social heart of Banco do Brasil