Banco do Brasil Foundation
Generation of Work and Income with Socioenvironmental Responsibility
GRI 3-3 | 304-2 | 408-1 | 412-3 | NGO4
BB Foundation supports projects to generate work and income, in all regions of the Country, for the socioproductive inclusion of vulnerable people. In the selection of actions to be supported, requirements related to the principles of sustainability are considered: environmentally correct; economically feasible; socially fair; and culturally accepted.
The permanent search for the programs and projects carried out to meet the criteria of socioenvironmental responsibility is also declared in our Sustainability Policy.
The execution of these actions is carried out through our structured programs that are divided into six themes that are structuring in supporting socioenvironmental projects and actions.
Preparing children and adolescents for the future, developing skills and knowledge so that they can be protagonists of their lives.
BB Foundation, in partnership with the National Federation of Banco do Brasil Athletic Associations (FENABB) and local institutions, invested, in 2022, BRL 16.2 (USD 3.2) million in the AABB Comunidade - Educação para o Futuro program, with 25.8 thousand beneficiaries served in 187 municipalities.
The program offers school complementation for children and adolescents from the public school system, aged between 6 and 14 years old. In the last 10 years, around 369.7 thousand participants were involved.
The 35th anniversary of the AABB Comunidade – Educação para o Futuro Program, an initiative with the longest history of the BB Foundation, was celebrated in a live broadcast on Youtube. The event, in partnership with FENABB, highlighted the investment in the future of new generations through socioeducational, cultural, artistic, sports and health activities, integrating families, schools and the community. In the last 15 years (2008 to 2022), 4,590 projects were carried out, reaching around 700,000 participants.
The Conexão Jovem Mercado action aims to prepare 500 young people between the ages of 14 and 17, in a situation of social vulnerability, enrolled and attending public schools, for adult life and to support their development and insertion in the labor market.
The work involves the development of social, emotional and cognitive skills, the integration of Social Technologies in the pedagogical context of teaching and learning and learning the basic technical skills needed for the labor market.
To carry out the pilot action, 5 institutions were selected, one in each region of the country: Brasília (DF), Salvador (BA), Manaus (AM), Belo Horizonte (MG) and Porto Alegre (RS).
The initiative was created by BB Foundation and has the support of following partners: Ministry of Labor and Social Security, Microsoft, National Federation of Banco do Brasil Athletic Associations – FENABB, Sebrae and Alelo S/A. For the action, the total amount of the social investment was BRL 2.9 million (USD 574,000), of which BRL 2.23 million (USD 441,000) from BB Foundation and BRL 640.73 (USD 127) thousand from the executing partners.
BB Foundation is a partner of the new Museu do Ipiranga (Ipiranga Museum). The social project offers educational actions and accessibility to visitors, especially students from public schools and PwD. In September 2022, the building was reopened and released to the public, boosting the visibility in the press of all those involved, including Banco do Brasil Foundation.
Partnership signed with the Ministries of Communications and the Ministry of Education to train teachers, through Internet access, for up to 12 months, for up to 500 public elementary schools with low connectivity and greater age-grade distortion. The partnership has a social investment of BRL 15 (USD 2.97) million.
Schools from all over the country were selected, with 75% located in the north and northeast regions, due to the greater unavailability of Internet access in these locations and because they present the highest rates of age-grade distortion. Around 2,500 teachers from these schools will take courses made available by the Ministry of Education on its AVAMEC digital platform, a collaborative virtual learning environment that allows the design, administration and development of various types of training actions, such as remote educational support for the teaching-learning process, making it possible to improve the quality of education for thousands of students in situations of social vulnerability.
The partnership signed between BB Foundation and Instituto Embraer, in December 2022, aims to promote quality high school education with the application of Social Technologies as a pedagogical innovation for young people from vulnerable families in the region of São José dos Campos and Botucatu, in the State of São Paulo. The partnership involved a total social investment of BRL 34.3 (USD 6.79) million, of which BRL 16 (USD 3.16) million is from BB Foundation and BRL 18.3 (USD 3.61) million from the partner as a counterpart.
The social initiative will offer 576 young people, from low-income families free, full-time education through scholarships at the two Embraer Schools located in São José dos Campos and Botucatu (SP). Food, transportation, uniform and educational material will also be provided. The action seeks to guarantee, during the three years of training in high school, the conditions for these young people to access the best universities and become critical citizens who are aware of their social role.
The action also aims to implement the theme of Social Technologies (ST) in the pedagogical methodology of the schools and the dissemination of ST certified by the BB Foundation available on the Transforma Platform (, in the schools of the Instituto Embraer, in addition to to reapply ST in public schools by sharing initiatives and projects developed within participating schools.
Presidenta do Banco do Brasil e Presidenta
do Conselho Curador da Fundação BB
Presidenta da
Fundação BB
Generation of work and income for traditional communities and populations in situations of social vulnerability, poverty and unemployment in line with environmental care and the promotion of a sustainable country.
BNDES and BB Foundation approved, in September and December 2022, respectively, support for the projects “Conexão Ecoforte e Ecossistemas Locais”, which aims to activate the ecosystem of community businesses in priority territories in the Amazon, in production chains that promote forest preservation and sustainable family farming; and “Sanear – Marajó Socioambiental”, which aims to promote the socioproductive inclusion of around 200 riverside families from settlements and agroextractive reserves in the Marajó Archipelago. The initiatives reach the states of Amazonas, Mato Grosso and Pará.
The partnership involved a total social investment of BRL 9.6 (USD 1.9) million [BRL 1.7 million (USD 336,182.00) from BB Foundation and BNDES + BRL 987.5 thousand (USD 195,282.00) as a counterpart] for the “Sanear” project. In the “Conexão Ecoforte” project, the total social investment was BRL 2.6 million (USD 515,000) [BRL 2.2 million (USD 436,000) from BB Foundation and BNDES and BRL 388,400 (USD 76,087) in counterpart funds].
The partnership between BB Foundation, Acelen and Associação Voluntários para o Serviço Internacional - AVSI Brasil (Association of Volunteers for International Service) aims to contribute to the socioeconomic and environmental development of the communities surrounding the Mataripe Refinery (BA). A total of BRL 4.2 million (USD 830,000) will be invested in youth training projects for the labor market and in actions to strengthen local Civil Society Organizations (OSCs), [BRL 2 million (USD 395,508.00) from BB Foundation and BRL 2 million (USD 435,059.00) as a counterpart] to serve 200 young people and 30 CSOs.
In December 2022, BB Foundation formalized a Technical Cooperation Agreement with the Associação Voluntários para o Serviço Internacional - AVSI Brasil and PetroRecôncavo, to promote the sustainable socioeconomic development of rural communities in the municipalities of Upanema, Caraúbas, Açu and Governador Dix-Sept Rosado, located in Rio Grande do Norte.
The partnership provides for joint action within the scope of Programa Viva Sabiá, already running in the region since 2021. The initiative includes the implementation of three Social Technologies - ST certified by BB Foundation: Biowater, Plate cisterns and Productive backyards. The ST will enable access to water for human consumption and food production. Training for entrepreneurship and sales is also planned, as well as environmental education actions focused on the conscious use of water. The estimated total investment in this project is BRL 2.8 million (USD 553,712.00) [BRL 1.3 million (USD 257,080.00) from BB Foundation and BRL 1.5 million (USD 296,631.00) as a counterpart], benefiting 450 people in the rural area, 30 educators and around 2,000 students from public schools in the municipalities participating in the program.
The partnership between BB Foundation and Suzano aims to support family farming by promoting the strengthening of the bee honey production chain in the State of Tocantins, including the improvement of honey production techniques, regularization of associations, infrastructures to add value to the product and structuring of logistics. BRL 1.4 million (USD 276,856.00) will be invested [BRL 645 thousand (USD 127,551.00) from BB Foundation and BRL 732 thousand (USD 144,756.00) as a counterpart] to serve 200 family farmers.
Banco do Brasil Foundation and Vale signed, in November 2022, an unprecedented partnership. The cooperation agreement aims to boost socioproductive actions in territories of common interest. The first actions will be implemented in 2023, in the State of Pará, and will contribute to the strengthening of an integrated agenda of actions to combat poverty.
In order to expand the scope of its activities, the Foundation created, in 2022, the structured Health and Wellness Program, which aims to contribute to the promotion, protection and recovery of the health of people in situations of social vulnerability, in terms of access and quality of services. The program's main actions involve expanding access to health care for populations in situations of social vulnerability, as well as in underserved and difficult-to-access locations.
BB Foundation and Associação Beneficente Síria – Hcor signed an unprecedented partnership to carry out intrauterine surgeries in pregnant women diagnosed with Myelomeningocele (MMC), SUS patients and who live in a situation of social vulnerability. The project “Apoio a intervenções intrauterinas” aims to promote health care for low-income women diagnosed with MMC during pregnancy. The initiative provides for the performing of intrauterine surgeries in 120 pregnant women within 18 months, the project's execution deadline. The total investment in the project is BRL 4.5 million (USD 889,894.00) [BRL 2.25 million (USD 444,947.00) each].
BB Foundation became part of the Juntos pela Saúde action, coordinated by the Brazilian National Bank for Economic and Social Development – BNDES, with the objective of expanding access to health in the North and Northeast regions of the country. In addition to providing improvements in the provision of services of the Brazilian Unified Health System – SUS, mainly through the strengthening of primary care.
Launched in June 2022, the Juntos pela Saúde action seeks to increase investment in technology and equipment to improve the access of the Brazilian population to health. The initiative is managed by a consortium formed by the Institute for the Development of Social Investment - IDIS and ImpulsoGOV, a non-profit organization that supports SUS professionals in improving public health policies through the use of data and technology.
In December 2022, BB Foundation and Fundação Pio XII - Hospital de Amor, in Barretos (SP), formalized a partnership for the Diretório de Reabilitação Moderna - Dream, which aims to promote high-quality rehabilitation of user patients of the Brazilian Unified Health System - SUS, oncological and non-oncological, with state-of-the-art technology and structure.
The social initiative will enable the construction of a highly complex rehabilitation hospital in Barretos (SP). The action seeks to guarantee the carrying out of rehabilitation activities for patients undergoing treatment and expansion of the capacity of Hospital de Amor (SP). The total investment in the project is BRL 42.2 (USD 8.34) million [16.5 (USD 3.27) million from BB Foundation and BRL 25.7 (USD 5.09) million in counterpart funds].
BB Volunteer Program supports and encourages the involvement of active or retired employees, family members and friends in carrying out voluntary activities. To promote greater interaction with the public, an internet platform is available -, enabling the management of the Program and communication between BB volunteers, institutions, units’ committees, BB and the general public.
In 2022, BB Volunteering Portal reached around 35,000 users registered as volunteers, representing more than 28,000 registered actions, 2,216 voluntary actions carried out and 3,265 registered social entities. Within the scope of the BB Volunteer Program, the BB/BB Foundation Volunteering Internal Call was carried out in 2022. After a wide vaccination campaign and the chilling of the Covid-19 pandemic, the moment was opportune to resume the mobilization of the participants. The Voluntariado BB/Fundação BB em 2022 Internal Call had more than a hundred entries and selected 27 proposals from north to south of Brazil. With a projected value for each initiative ranging from BRL 100,000 (USD 19,775.00) to BRL 200,000 (USD 39,550.00) and a total contribution estimated at BRL 5 million (USD 988,771.00), BB Foundation supported social projects developed by non-profit entities with the participation of Banco do Brasil volunteer network.
Created by BB Foundation in December 2019, the Structured Humanitarian Aid Program is aimed at social assistance actions for people in situations of social vulnerability due to calamities and/or emergencies.
Since then, the Program has allocated resources in the amount of BRL 329.3 (USD 65.1) million in actions such as Solidarize-se (Solidarize yourself, 2020), Proteja e Salve Vidas e Proteja e Salve+Vidas (Protect and Save Lives and Protect and Save+Lives, 2020 and 2021), Enchentes (Floods 2020, 2021 and 2022 ) and Brasileiros pelo Brasil (Brazilians for Brazil, 2021).
In 2022, families directly impacted by floods in the states of Bahia, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, Alagoas, Pernambuco and Maranhão were supported.
Partnership between BB Foundation and Petrobras, at the end of 2021. The actions carried out in 2022 included the transfer of aid for the acquisition of gas cylinders for more than 210 thousand families that were in a situation of social vulnerability, aggravated by the Covid-19 pandemic, totaling the amount of BRL 21 (USD 4.16) million in transfers.
In 2022, BB Foundation acted promptly to assist those impacted by the floods that devastated the states of Alagoas and Pernambuco, with the distribution of white goods appliances (stoves and refrigerators) to 10,486 families. 33 municipalities in Alagoas and 14 in Pernambuco were reached, with the support of seven institutions*. The amounts contributed to the actions totaled BRL 10.4 (USD 2.05) million, of which approximately BRL 400,000 (USD 79,101.00) in voluntary donations.
*Executing entities:
AL - Associação Comitê Rio da Ação da Cidadania (Committee for Riverside Citizenship), Cáritas Brasileira Regional Nordeste II (Brazilian Caritas Northeast Region) and Associação de Agricultores Alternativos – AAGRA (Association of Alternative Farmers).
PE - Associação Voluntários para o Serviço Internacional Brasil – AVSI BRASIL (Association of Volunteers for International Service), Central Única das Favelas – CUFA (Unified Central of Favelas), Instituto Escola do Povo – G10 FAVELAS (People's School Institute) and Centro de Desenvolvimento Agroecológico SABIÁ (Agroecological Development Center).
Banco do Brasil (BB) was recognized as the most sustainable bank on the planet by the ranking of the 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World 2022 – Global 100, by Corporate Knights, maintaining the leadership position achieved in 2021. In 2021, Banco do Brasil declared its 10 Long-Term Sustainability commitments, including its contribution to society through actions developed by Banco do Brasil Foundation.
BB Foundation is, therefore, the main executor of the social investment of Banco do Brasil and its Conglomerate. Due to the growth capacity of the institution and through the support of its branch network, it is possible to reach all regions of the country, contributing to the transformation of the communities where Banco do Brasil is present.
BB Foundation shares contribute to Banco do Brasil's permanence in the World portfolio of Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) of the New York Stock Exchange, in B3 Corporate Sustainability Index (CSI), in Stock Exchange's Sustainability Index of London Securities (FTSE4 Good Index Series) and in the Global 100 ranking of the Most Sustainable Corporations by Corporate Knights.
In this way, BB Foundation collaborates with BB's corporate strategy and contributes to the fulfillment of Banco do Brasil's Sustainability Plan - Agenda 30 BB, especially in the challenge of “strengthening the integration between social investment and Banco do Brasil's business strategy, contributing positively to society and the environment”.
BB Foundation and BB Consórcios announced new Green Groups in 2022, which, as in 2021, sold quotas corresponding to planted trees. For each quota sold, 10 seedlings would be planted. The outcome was a 35% increase in the number of trees to be planted compared to the first project of the previous year. According to the calculation used by the Brazilian Institute of Forests - IBF, this number of trees would be equivalent to the neutralization of more than 19 thousand tons of carbon in the first 20 years after planting.
Planting will be carried out by non-profit institutions that work on projects to improve the environment, which will receive support for the recovery of degraded areas, contributing to the recomposition of native vegetation and the strengthening of ecosystem services, fostering the bioeconomy and income generation in communities. In this action, the states of Goiás and Mato Grosso will be contemplated.
BB, in partnership with BB Seguros, BB Dental and FENABB, launched the BB Dental Social product, with the potential to guarantee oral health for 25,000 socially vulnerable children and adolescents, between 6 and 14 years old, from the AABB Comunidade - Educação para o Futuro program.
Banco do Brasil and BB Asset signed, in November 2022, a new partnership with BB Foundation to allocate resources to socioenvironmental initiatives. Part of the management fees of two more investment funds will be transferred to projects in the areas of education, environment, social technologies, humanitarian aid and others.
The partnership between Banco do Brasil Foundation and Brasilprev provides for the revitalization of spaces in 27 public schools in the five regions of the country. With a matching of resources, it will be possible to serve around 20,000 children and teenagers who use computer rooms, sports courts, cafeterias, libraries and other spaces for learning and socializing. The social action was launched in October in reference to Children's Month, and is integrated with the sustainability initiatives of BB Seguros, Brasilprev and Banco do Brasil, strengthening the companies' action for social transformation and education for the future.
BB Foundation and Brasilcap signed a partnership linked to a capitalization bond in the Awarded Philanthropy modality. Doadin is a product that invites customers to help those in need and compete for various prizes. With a single payment of BRL 25.00 (USD 5.00), BRL 50.00 (USD 10.00) or BRL 100.00 (USD 20.00) and valid for two months, the participant has the chance to win a instant prize of up to BRL 100.00 at the time of purchase, and also competes for a special prize of up to BRL 25,000 (USD 5,000) in the draw held on the last Wednesday of the first validity month. Resources from the rescue donation are reverted to social technology, education, environment and income, health and wellness projects.
The social heart of Banco do Brasil