Banco do Brasil Foundation
BB Foundation conducts its activities following ethical standards and the best governance practices. Banco do Brasil Foundation's Integrity Program and Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice comply with the legislation, its institutional policies and adhere to its Strategic Plan. This importance is declared in the 2019-2023 Five-Year Strategic Plan as one of our values “Integrity - Our foundation is on ethics, trust and transparency”.
BB Foundation's Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice establishes guidelines that guide our actions and guide the actions of stakeholders (related parties), explaining the values and standards of behavior of BB Foundation in the face of the different publics with which it interacts, both internal and external, such as employees, board members, executive directors and society. The code has a triennial update and the last one was carried out in September 2022.
The main updates to the Code were to emphasize the accountability and anti-corruption laws (Laws 9.613/98 and 12.846/13), guidelines for suppliers to follow its directives, adaptation of texts to improve BB Foundation procedures, such as spelling and writing adjustments.
The board members, the president, directors, employees, apprentices and interns of the BB Foundation read and are aware of the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice and the Integrity Program of the BB Foundation upon taking office and whenever updates are made to the documents.
To ensure ethics, discipline and compliance with the Code, the Ethics Committee was set up, with a deliberative nature and its own regulations. The board is composed of the executive director of People Management, Controllers and Logistics, who acts as chairman of the committee, by the executive director of Social Development, by the Personnel manager, by the Strategy and Governance manager and by two employees (official and substitute) without managerial positions, appointed by the BB Foundation Management Committee.
As a way of providing transparency to actions and ensuring compliance with norms and legislation, we report to the Prosecution Office of the Federal District and Territories - MPDFT, Ministry of Human Rights and Citizenship - MDHC and Social Assistance Council of the Federal District - CAS/DF. In addition to annually publishing its Activity Report; its Financial and Accounting Statements and the Summary of Budget Execution, which are submitted to independent auditors, the Fiscal Council and approval of the Trustee Council.
In 2021, BB Foundation renewed its Social Assistance Charity Entity Certificate – CEBAS, with a period of validity from 04.01.2021 to 03.31.2024, and in 2022, according to Ordinance No. 49, of 05.09.2022, issued by the National Secretariat for Social Assistance, the deadline was extended until 12.31.2025. CEBAS is a document issued by the Ministry of Human Rights and Citizenship – MDHC and grants exemptions and social contributions to certified non-profit entities.
Banco do Brasil Foundation remained a signatory to the Business Pact for Integrity and Against Corruption in 2022, promoted by the Instituto Ethos, with responses to the Ethos indicators on “Integrity, prevention and fight against corruption – 2021-2022 Cycle”.
Aderente ao compromisso do BB de investir R$ 1 bilhão até 2030 por meio da Fundação BB, a iniciativa Conecta Fundação BB foi estruturada e lançada em 2022, como uma proposta de mobilização integrada para prospecção de parcerias e originação de investimentos socioambientais.
Com a finalidade de ampliar o investimento socioambiental de forma sustentável para o fortalecimento da Fundação BB e de seu modelo de atuação, a rede de negócios foi fundamental no impulsionamento da geração de valor para clientes e sociedade. Equipes da Fundação BB e das áreas de relacionamento com clientes BB foram envolvidas e somaram esforços na aproximação com setor privado e setor público.
A proximidade com empresas privadas foi destaque na gestão, com foco na ampliação do investimento socioambiental e do impacto positivo nas comunidades. A celebração de parcerias estratégicas soma esforços para que cada vez mais pessoas sejam atendidas, além de fortalecer a imagem das marcas envolvidas, uma vez que demonstram seu legítimo engajamento com a transformação socioambiental do país.
A realização de parcerias somente é possível porque contamos com equipes especializadas que acompanham todas as fases da implementação de um projeto social, desde sua modelagem até a avaliação de quão efetivo foi o impacto da atuação naquela comunidade. Temos uma estrutura robusta que permite segurança operacional para atuar em compliance com todas as esferas legais e a adoção das melhores práticas de governança e accountability.
The Business Pact, also called “Clean Company”, launched in 2006, is a commitment by private and public companies, associations, organizations and other institutions to play an important role in the fight against corruption, working to promote a more ethical and upright market. BB Foundation joined the Business Pact in 2019.
BB Foundation's Integrity Program, prepared in accordance with Law No. 12.846/2013, regulated by Decree No. 11.129/2022, is a corporate governance instrument, approved by the Trustee Council, composed of advisors who guide operational activities and business practices of the organization. It has an annual review on an ordinary basis or at any time, on an extraordinary basis.
The Trustee Council approved the last revision of the Integrity Program in March 2022. The main changes, in addition to the wording adjustments, were the adjustments to our Bylaws; review of Institutional Policies; review of the Five-Year Strategic Plan; adjustments arising from updates to internal regulations; and occasional adjustments with a view to promoting adherence to the Compliance Program of our founder Banco do Brasil.
The Program aims to prevent, detect and correct BB Foundation's exposure to situations of non-compliance with internal and external laws, rules and regulations, the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice and Institutional Policies. It encompasses the promotion of measures and good management practices to maintain an environment committed to ethics and transparency.
To monitor and supervise BB Foundation's Integrity Program, the Integrity Bulletin is published quarterly, providing an accountancy of the integrity activities carried out at the institution in the period. The dissemination of this document among employees, the Trustee Council and the Fiscal Council is part of the Integrity Culture Dissemination Plan - PDCI, in which we seek to engage our team in order to guarantee the credibility of our work with our stakeholders.
The Integrity Bulletins were prepared quarterly, compiling the actions directly or indirectly linked to BB Foundation's Integrity Program. Among the actions carried out, the following stand out: the creation of internal regulations on Integrity Management; the periodic analysis of risks carried out every quarter with the Risk Reports; the Operational Compliance indicators, both in Social Projects and in Administrative Processes; creation of internal rules for the Structured Health and Wellness Program; the indicators of the Reporting Channel; and the improvement of the internal regulations that deal with disciplinary control.
On November 30, 2022, BB Foundation joined the voluntary initiative that provides guidelines for the promotion of sustainable growth and citizenship, through corporate leadership, known as UN Global Pact.
Adhesion ratifies the institution's commitment to the continuity of strategic, cultural and daily operations actions, in addition to actions related to the theme of integrity and corruption prevention, further strengthening engagement in collaborative projects that promote the advancement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The initiative ensures that signatory entities align their strategies and operations with ten universal principles. Namely:
Businesses must support and respect the protection of internationally recognized human rights.
Businesses must support freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining.
The effective abolition of child labor.
Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges.
Encourage the development and dissemination of environmentally friendly technologies.
Ensure your non-participation in violations of these rights.
The elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labour.
Eliminate employment discrimination.
Develop initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility.
Businesses must fight corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.
R$ 1 bi mobilizados (matching)
5.000.000 pessoas atendidas
1.000 municípios alcançados
Banco do Brasil Foundation
GRI 2-16 | 2-25 | 205-2
The social heart of Banco do Brasil